Friday, January 29, 2010

Have you ever gotten in really good shape? Thought, I may as well find a marathon so I can justify this amount of running as training? Now imagine being at that level, and then imagine yourself slipping. I mean about 3 months of zero to little physical activity. At Thanksgiving, my family runs in a 5k turkey trot. Well, this past time I was not ready. If you're wondering how did I know I had hit rock bottom, as far as my physical fitness is concerned, I am about to let you know. Maybe it was when my legs felt like they had already been stretched thin around mile .5. You know, if I actually had to pinpoint that moment when I realized I had fallen off of my fitness precipice, it would be somewhere in the middle of the race. There was this tweenage girl running nearby, more in front than nearby really, and I noticed that she kept fiddling with her ipod. But wait, she didn't have any earphones. Oh, she was reading and sending text messages the entire time, and still in front of me.


  1. oh this is so hilarious, but I do retain a twinge of sympathy for you Max! are you junk punching yourself?

  2. Texting is exercise. Just sayin'
