Saturday, October 24, 2009

I finally said it. The shop that we replaced has been gone for 3 months. 3 MONTHS!!! A quarter of a year. I am tired of people coming in and asking if we are under new ownership, or order something from the older store. Not even the floor is the same. Are you really that dense?

A couple comes walking in last night. They act so surprised to find a new store, which I sort of understand. I don't have any personal feelings for an ice cream store so I can't really identify with them. The woman says, "Oh. Well. The older store had an ice cream that I used to order all of the time." )At this point, I am sick to death of people telling what used to be here. I don't care. In my frustration I thought, what would Larry David say?) I replied, "I don't think you did." To which she replies, "Oh yes. All of the time." "Well, they have been gone for three months. How big a fan could you really be?" She says, "Oh, I just loved it." "That seems like a casual love." They didn't buy anything, but they weren't going to anyways.


  1. Ha ha Max! I can't believe what you can get away with, you say what we all think. Love it!

  2. I love that you said, "I don't think you did". Perfection.
